Connect with a Peer
Connect with your Peer Support Team – The SFD Peer Support Team builds on the tradition of firefighters helping firefighters.
Firefighters typically connect better with people that have personal experience and can relate to the demands of the job. Peer Support Team members are trained to be effective listeners, clarify issues, and assist co-workers in identifying options for problem-solving. When appropriate, the Peer Support Member will assist with referrals to mental health professionals or other outside resources.

Ben Summers

Ben Summers
I’m Ben Summers and currently am a PM on Q11, on the B shift. I’ve worked for SFD since 2017 and been a career FF for 13 years. I’m married with a 3-year-old son. I enjoy working on cars, camping, being out at the lake, and sometimes projects that my wife volunteers me for. If you need anything, I’m here to help.
Call Ben:(509) 869-8404

Bridget Blackmore

Bridget Blackmore
’m Bridget. I’ve been with the SFD for 8 years, currently assigned to E15 D shift. I have an 11-year-old daughter, Gabby, and we both love spending our free time outdoors. The Peer Support Team helped me through a tough pediatric call I had a few years ago, and that was my motivation for joining the team. I’m happy to listen if you need someone to talk to.
Call Bridget: (509) 290-1984

Dan McCoy

Dan McCoy
My name is Dan McCoy, and I have been with the Spokane Fire Department for nine years. I spent seven years on Quint 13 and recently switched to Engine 4, both assignments on C shift. I joined the PEER Support Team because I have a history of going to therapy and seeing how beneficial it can be to talk to someone when going through a hard time. I wanted to be a person someone can talk to if they had a rough call, were dealing with difficult life problems, or anything else. I love the job and coming to work, and I want to make sure everyone around me can feel the same way too.
Call Dan:(509) 435-8647

Jason King

Jason King
Hello everyone, my name is Jason King. My wife and I have been married since March of 2010, and together we have four children. I’ve been with the Spokane Fire Department since 2015, and before that, I was a medic in the Army with one combat deployment to Afghanistan. It was there that I experienced the most impactful traumas of my life. Recovering from those traumas has been a constant journey that continues to this day.
Being a part of the PEER team means a lot to me because it gives me the opportunity to come alongside others who are struggling to comprehend the things that we experience in this line of work. Processing through my experiences with military life, firefighting, and being a foster parent has given me many tools in the toolbox for dealing with trauma. It’s my passion to help others and be a bridge to resources when you are struggling through the trauma of not only this career but also life itself.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or any other PEER team member if you feel like you need help. It’s ok to not be ok. The PEER team is here to listen and help you find the resources that are out there to get you the help you need. I look forward to meeting all of you over the course of my career, see ya on the big one!
Call Jason:(509) 598-9764

Joshua Simpson

Joshua Simpson
Hi I am Josh Simpson. I have been a member of the Spokane Fire Dept. since 2012. I was born and raised in New England and moved to Spokane from Houston Tx. I worked as a firefighter there for about a year before getting hired with the SFD. Since 2012 I have worked with many of you and am now the D shift Lt. on T13. I joined the PEER support team for a very simple reason… brotherhood/sisterhood. One of the big reasons I joined the fire department to begin with was the bond that I saw in friends that were already affiliated with fire department. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself and to have that camaraderie with my peers that goes beyond what most people get in a workplace. With that in mind I think there is nothing better that we can do for each other is take care of each other. Nobody knows better what we go through on a day to day basis than others working in the same field. I believe this unique
perspective gives us the ability to protect each other and make sure that we all live long, healthy, and happy lives. Mental health has always been a sort of taboo subject and now in this era it is becoming more and more up front and mainstream and I felt compelled to do my part in helping my peers. The nature of our job puts us in unique situations that most will never experience good and bad. I want to be there to help make sure that our members have every resource available to help through those times that maybe they feel no one could understand.
The brotherhood of this job is what drew me in and it is that same thing that I want to promote and protect. We are all here to help the community, but we can’t do that efficiently and to the best of our ability if we ourselves are not alright. I wanted to do my part for our department members to make sure we are all ok and don’t feel like there is no where to turn when things get hard. I look forward to working with you all for a long time and to continue protecting our community as well as ourselves.

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith
I am currently assigned to Engine 16 D shift. I have been with the SFD for nearly 25 years and have been a part of the PEER support team for over 20 years. I am a family man with a wife and two active sons and truly consider our fire department as part of my family. Please reach out anytime, as I am generally available by phone or text if not in person.
Call Kevin: (509) 710-0239

Marlin Thorman

Marlin Thorman
I have been with the Spokane Fire Department since 2012. I am married, and we both enjoy traveling and all things outdoors. I have a huge passion for the engine firefighter role in our job. This job will always bring its fair share of joys and sorrows, and if you ever need an ear to listen, reach out anytime.
Call Marlin:(509) 710-3867

Matt Schroeder

Matt Schroeder
I’m Matt Schroeder. I’ve been with Spokane Fire since the fall of 2017 and am currently stationed at 15s in Hillyard. I’m married to my incredible wife, Paisley, and together we have two boys. Along with being a firefighter/paramedic/tech team member, I love being on our Peer Support Team, available to help whoever has questions or needs an ear to listen while we all continue on this ride of life.
Call Matt: (509) 688-7893

Sam Harvey

Sam Harvey
Hello! I am Sam Harvey and I work at 18’s on D shift. Mead is where I was raised, and I am continuing to raise my soon-to-be three children with my wonderful wife, Nicki. My intent as a member of the PEERS team is to be available for you and advocate for you while we work through tough calls. We do have a unique opportunity in the fire service to do life with one another and inevitably see things that aren’t meant to be tackled alone. Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or other members of the PEERS team.
Call Sam: (509) 720-6411

Sam Troutt

Sam Troutt
I was born and raised in Boise until I moved to Spokane in 2017, where I have been a firefighter for almost 7 years, spending most of my time at Station 2. Prior to that, I went to college and worked in the private sector, but I felt called to a job where I could physically work hard with a team that wants to work as hard as I do. In my time as a firefighter, I have become close friends with many of my coworkers, and that friendship, coupled with the tragedies we see, gave me the desire to help how I can by joining the Peer Support Team.
I volunteer with a youth diabetes camp in the winter and summer, and in my spare time, I love spending time with my wife and beautiful kids, listening to music, being outdoors, and working out.
Call Sam: (208) 921-1492

Shawn Garrett

Shawn Garrett
My name is Shawn Garrett. I have been with the department for 6 years and just recently joined the Peer team. I am currently on E14 on D shift. I was born and raised in Port Orchard on the west side and moved here in 2004. I thought it was a neat idea to get married the 2nd week of academy, and now my amazing wife and I have two daughters who are 4 and 1. We love hiking, taking random car rides to new places, having sushi dates, and having dance parties to whatever is our daughters’ favorite song at the time. I’m excited to be a part of this team and to be able to help our brothers and sisters when they need us.
Call Shawn:(509) 220-1955

Tim Wheeler

Tim Wheeler
I have been a firefighter since March of 2012, starting out as a volunteer then part-timer on the west side of the state. I was hired on with SFD in September 2016. My wife, Aubrey, and I live north of Spokane on some acreage where we are slowly developing our small farm. Outside of my career as a firefighter, I value my time working with our animals, gardening, and taking on the next project with our farm. I am a member of the Spokane County Firefighters Pipes and Drums band as a bagpiper, and I volunteer as a Fire Chaplain with my local fire district (SCFD 4). I joined the SFD Peer Support Team because I see the value in maintaining our mental health as firefighters.
Call Tim: (503) 887-1242

Will Baldwin

Will Baldwin
My name is Will Baldwin and I have been with Spokane Fire since 2015. I switched from pursuing a career in law enforcement to the fire service following a traumatic family loss in 2011. I joined the PEER team because I consider SFD a family and realize the value of being able to connect with like minded people. My wife and I have been married 15 years and we have 2 boys. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, surfing and hunting. We own a wedding venue and cattle ranch as well. Please feel free to reach out. My phone is always on.
Call: 208-640-0453