Tim Wheeler

Peer Support Team Member Tim Wheeler Headshot

I have been a firefighter since March of 2012, starting out as a volunteer then part-timer on the west side of the state. I was hired on with SFD in September 2016. My wife, Aubrey, and I live north of Spokane on some acreage where we are slowly developing our small farm. Outside of my career as a firefighter, I value my time working with our animals, gardening, and taking on the next project with our farm. I am a member of the Spokane County Firefighters Pipes and Drums band as a bagpiper, and I volunteer as a Fire Chaplain with my local fire district (SCFD 4). I joined the SFD Peer Support Team because I see the value in maintaining our mental health as firefighters.

Call Tim: (503) 887-1242